Sunday, July 10, 2016

Transitioning to natural hair with 6 simple tips

This can be a scary process especially when you’ve had processed hair for as far back as you can remember and now you have to go back to your roots. I mean, it's been ages since you last saw the natural, untouched, virgin hair you were born with, so how would I look, a girl of 25years rocking a fro, in an era where hair is one of the defining factors of beauty. Don’t worry, here are a few tips to help you along the way.

1. Don't chop. Trim
Nothing throws us off than looking in the mirror and seeing no hair!  It's a mental thing that you have to be prepared for unless you were actually going for the classic male look. Trim the ends little by little until you have rid all processed ends. This allows us for gradual adaptation to short hair and saves us from a nervous breakdown.

2. Braids and wigs

Wigs are the easiest way to switch between hairstyles. This minute you could be rocking a short and chic look and the next you could have long hair blowing in the wind. They are fun, manageable and cost effective, saving us many trips to the salon…and keeping some of that extra chi-ching ching in our pockets!

Braids… love them! They are flexible, long lasting and a good facilitator for transitioning. They allow you to grow the hair to the desired length, so that when you decide to embrace your natural side and rid the processed ends, it won't be as short.

3. Gelling

The very first time I rid my processed ends, gelling was my first method. My hair was short and it was super easy to just wash, gel and go. It gave me super cute curls that always had people asking what I used in my hair. Gelling is ideal for persons rocking really low cuts.

4. Eat right

Eating healthy is vital for hair growth. It’s like a garden of flowers, in order for it to flourish it needs nourishment and that only comes from the things we consume. So ensure to have a hearty balanced meal from all the foods from the food group, drink tons of water and take your vitamins.

5. Hair-Talk

Sounds weird right? But have to speak health and growth into being. We have to tell our hair we love it, commend it, and talk positively to and about it. Believe it or not, it works! Remember it’s a part of us, an entity by itself, therefore, it needs special attention too.

6. Stress-free

Whenever we are experiencing stress-phases, our hair feels it too. We can actually see and feel the difference then. It either sheds, thins, breaks or just stops growing for a while. I know life sometimes get the best of us and our hair have to suffer with it too, so try as best as possible to minimise those stressors until they are completely gone.

I hope these tips were helpful, and you’ll use or adjust them to suit your individuality. Just be expressive and colourful about this new look, and most of all, embrace the new you!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Things You Didn't Know About Essential Oils

Essential oils have been around from as early as the 1900’s and has now become a popular trend in its abundance of uses. Extracted from the flowers, stems, roots, bark and other parts of the plant, these oils have been used to enhance wellbeing through their medicinal and therapeutic effects.
This article will provide a few simple tips and tricks of the most commonly used essential oils.
Health and Wellness
    Massage the combination of nutmeg and grapeseed oil on areas of pain. This is great for persons with arthritis and menstrual cramps.
    Apply peppermint or lavender oil on temples to reduce tension from migraine headaches.
    Combine eucalyptus and lavender oil with coconut oil. Use as vapour rubs for stuffy nose and persons with asthma and bronchitis.
    To treat a yeast infection, make a concoction of tea tree, lavender, and coconut oil. Soak tampon in the mixture, insert and leave overnight. Not only does it stop the itching, it helps rid the infection.
    For sleeping disorders, put drops of lavender, roman chamomile or marjoram in your bathwater, diffuser, in laundry and on pillows when going to bed. Their fresh, light aroma provides a soothing and calming effect on the mind.

Beauty Care
    Put a few drops of Tea Tree oil in your shampoo, or directly on the scalp and massage. This stops itching and controls dandruff.
     Massage areas with cellulite or stretch marks with grapefruit and coconut oil daily. This reduces the appearance of marks while promoting circulation and softening the skin.
    Reduce wrinkles by mixing frankincense in your lotion and applying just before bed. Its anti-aging properties tighten sagging skin and support regeneration of cell growth.
    Put a drop of eucalyptus or peppermint oil under the tongue to freshen breath.
    Make a paste with lemon, coconut oil, and fresh strawberries. Brush teeth for two minutes each day for two weeks and enjoy a whiter, brighter smile.

 Home Care
    Dilute tea tree and lemon oil in water to clean countertops and floors. Not only does it disinfect, it also leaves a fresh clean scent.
    A mixture of tea tree and eucalyptus oil with warm water rids mold and scum from tub and shower liner.
    To ward off insects and rodents, put drops of lemongrass oil in draws and corners of rooms.
    Eliminate scent from garbage bins by putting cinnamon oil on a piece of paper towel and placing it in the bin.
Sexual Enhancement
    Combine one or more of these oils, ylang-ylang, rose or jasmine, with a carrier oil, to evoke the human senses of sensuality. Use for massage or place on pulse spots such as behind the ear, neck, wrist and behind the knees.

As time evolves, so will many more innovative ways of how to use essential oils. So let us continue to experiment and have fun with our favourite scents as we incorporate them in catering to our personal needs.